Tren hospital nº 20


This dataset dealing with the Hospital Train No 20 includes 170 records. It comes from the appendix to the article "De Belchite a l'Ebre. El Dr. Rafael Pulido Cuchí i l'activitat quirùrgica al tren-hospital núm. 20 (1937-1939)" by Carles Hervàs Puyal, of the Fundació-Museu d’Història de la Medicina de Catalunya, published on the journal Afers , No. 84 (2016): pages 391- 427. It is the result of a detailed analysis of documents kept by Dr. Pulido Cuchí from the period when he was responsible for a surgical hospital located in a train. The documents, previously unpublished, were donated by his family after his death in 2002.

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Arxiu del Museu d'Història de la Medicina de Catalunya

    Fitxes i informes operatoris del Fons Rafael Pulido Cuchí