Àngels Bernal Cercós


Àngels Bernal Cercós is a graduate in Contemporary History (Universitat de Barcelona) and has a Master’s degree in Archive Work (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) for which her final thesis was L'estructura orgànica de la Generalitat Republicana, 1931-1939. She is Director of the Servei de Coordinació of the Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya. Since 1992 she has worked on the recovery of the documentation confiscated from Catalonia after the Civil War and deposited in the Archive of Salamanca. She is responsible for various projects related to the Civil War and the Franco Regime, including Generalitat de Catalunya, Segona República i exili and for the archives of the penal centres. Between 2003 and 2013 she was in charge of the project of archiving the documents on the Summary Military Judicial Proceedings (Sumarísimos) 1939-1980, which are housed in the Archivo del Tribunal Militar Tercero de Barcelona, as well as their publication in the Guia de la sèrie documental Procediments Judicials Militars (Sumaríssims) 1939-1980 (2015). She is also responsible for tasks related to the publication of the list of victims of the Franco regime who are entitled to judicial reparation in accordance with Law 11/2017.
