Enric Terradellas Prat


Enric Terradellas Prat is a graduate in Modern & Contemporary History (Universitat de Barcelona) and has a Master’s degree in Gestión Documental, Transparencia y Acceso a la Información (Escola Superior d'Arxivística i Gestió de Documents). His Master’s thesis was “Obrint dades a l’Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya”. He is an archivist in the Àrea de Fons de l’Administració in the Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya (ANC). Between 2003 and 2013 he was responsible for coordinating the archival organisation of the documents on Summary Military Judicial Proceedings (Sumarísimos) 1939-1980. He is the author of the Guia de la sèrie documental Procediments Judicials Militars (Sumaríssims) 1939-1980 (2015). He also contributes to the publication and updating of the list of cases of victims of the Franco regime entitled to judicial reparation in accordance with Law 11/2017.
